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Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Hello friends and family (like one popular telecommunication company saying in my country). Its been some weeks i have updated this blog. Thank God i am doing it now. I want to pick up from where i finished the last time.

For the following weeks i will be writing on the sentences i mentioned in my last post, i mean the following ;
When are you going to make that change?
When are you going to take that action?
When are you going to start that training?
When are you going to stand and face that bully?
When are you going to step on the control of your life and get a new life?

I want to talk about How To Make a Change in your life starting from today. Like the popular saying Change is the only constant thing in this world and I want to add mine, change is one of the difficult things to achieve in life and one of the difficult things to stick with.

I remember back in school days. I attended 2 primary schools and 3 secondary schools. And each time i go start in a new school i always feel very shy and very nervous. I always thought about my old friends in my former school, now i got to make new friends.I have to start learning the "ways and traditions" of this new school. I have to learn the names of teachers and know the time for one subject or the other. It was a new stress for me then. To make it worse still( that was what i thought then), i was made the class captain in 2 of my secondary schools.Now i must learn all this things and i must know different subject teachers, there offices, controlling the classroom and making sure its quiet when no teacher is arround , making sure i go get the teacher for the subject if he or she does not come on time. I sometimes even had to write notes on the chalk board sometimes. Now compare all those "work" to the primary school days when i had just one teacher staying with me in the class all day and i was not the class captain. SO it was an averagely easy life to leave then in primary school but secondary school brought with it some dreaded changes that i just could not avoid. But the good thing is that after getting used to the new life, i saw that there was no difficulty in it after all.


1. First thing first, agree that change is inevitable.Its not something you can avoid.Its not something you can run away from.And agree that it is doable. Don't see it as a most difficult task.

2. Confront the change. I mean make up your mind that you have to make the change and settle it in your mind that way.

3. Find ways to accept the change. What i mean by that is you have to find a way of living with it. Don't try to run away from it. Don't try to go back to the status quo. You must accept it and grow with it.

4. Don't see it as a bad thing but rather see it as a good thing. Oh yes some changes are bad but in this case i am talking about good changes. Like, stop procrastinating, stop gossiping, stop being lazy, etc.

5. Stop the bad behaviour you want to change. You can stop something by deliberately making concious effort to stop it. It was in my Year 2 in Higher institution that i first heard that and since then i have been living my life with that word. No good thing comes automatically, you have to make concious effort at building it or creating it.

6. Deliberately do something new to enhance the change. Incase of trying to stop a bad habit like procastination, deliberately stand up to do what you are in the habit of  always postponing. Don't postpone it again. Do it then and there.

7. See yourself accomplishing the change you desire. This is very good. See yourself doing the things you thought you could not do before. See yourself accomplishing it. It is the way you see yourself that others and even circumstances will see you.

8. Reward yourself or motivate yourself. For example, if you are someone that wakes up late always and you get to work late, set your alarm to wake up about an hour earlier and when you get up and get to work early, reward yourself for it. Do something to make you happy.

9. Put up blocks to stop you from going back to your old ways. Don't ever look back. Don't ever think or talk about your "old" ways. Avoid anything that will make you to go back to the old ways.

10. Pray to God about it.Ask God to help you make the neccesary change you desire.

There they are 10 steps to make a change. Read those steps again and apply them. I will talk about taking action next week. Remember to stay strong.

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